“…然而, 电活性细菌厌氧代谢有机物产生 的电子需渗透过电活性菌膜达到阳极, 与阴极构成闭 [3] (网 络版彩图) Figure 1 Component of microbial biosensor (a) and its principle (b) in BOD determination. In Figure (b), A presents the steady state of the biosensor in buffer, B presents the signal decrease process by adding organic substrate, C presents the steady state after adding organic substrate in buffer, D presents the biosensor recovery process after washing, and S presents the adding of organic substrate [3] [14] . 更为重要的是, 微生物燃料电池参 与反应的产电微生物均为厌氧微生物, 而水中某些耗 氧污染物的代谢分解是必须依靠耗氧微生物完成的, 如硝化细菌氧化还原态氨的耗氧过程, 因此, 采用微生 物燃料电池检测BOD在原理上存在一定的技术缺 陷 [15] .…”