“…Many biosorbents have been used to remove dyes from aqueous solutions, such as, Chlorella vulgaris (Aksu and Tezer, 2005), Azolla rongpong (Padmesh et al, 2006), Aspergillus foetidus (Patel and Suresh, 2008), Aspergillus parasiticus (Akar et al, 2009), Ulothrix sp. (Dogar et al, 2010) and Nostoc linckia (Mona et al, 2011), but studies about the use of S. platensis are very limited. S. platensis, a member of blue-green algae, contains a variety of functional groups such as carboxyl, hydroxyl, sulfate, amine, phosphate and other charged groups on the surface, which can sequester pollutants (Seker et al, 2008).…”