Neuro-Oncology nA P R I L 2 0 0 1 99 Glial tumors may originate from the malignant transformation of multipotent glial progenitor cells, but tools to study malignant transformation leading to gliomas are limited by the lack of biological systems that represent early stages of this disease in adult animals. In order to characterize the initiated cells that give rise to gliomas, we have employed the N-methylnitrosourea (MNU) model for induction of brain tumors in adult rats (Rushing et al., 1998). Speci cally, we have isolated and cultured transformed (premalignant) cells from normal-appearing brains of rats exposed to MNU for 10 weeks and from histologically abnormal brains of rats exposed to MNU for 15 weeks. We compared them with cells cultured from control animals under identical conditions. Cultured cells were classi ed according to their morphology, immunophenotype, karyotype, proliferation capacity, and tumorigenicity in athymic mice. Cultures from untreated normal rat brains grew as monolayers and had normal karyotypes (42 X,Y), epithelioid morphology, and slow proliferative capacity (doubling time >120 h). In contrast, cultured cells from brains of MNU-exposed animals had karyotypes that ranged from normal to highly aneuploid. Aneuploid lines grew rapidly in multilayers (doubling time <24 h), had differentiated astrocytic or oligodendroglial morphology and immunohistochemical staining pro le, and yielded tumors in athymic mice. Initiated cells with minor chromosomal aberrations assumed mixed bipolar or tripolar morphologies in high density cultures, proliferated rapidly, but showed contact inhibition and failed to induce tumors when injected s.c. in athymic mice. In general, lines showing no evidence of chromosomal aberrations had the most epithelioid morphology, proliferated slowly (doubling time >72 h), and retained strict contact growth inhibition. The presumed undifferentiated glial progenitor cells in culture from either control or MNU-treated rats variably expressed markers such as vimentin, nestin, and NG2 proteoglycan, and they weakly expressed the mature astrocytic or oligoden- Israel, M., Aldape, K., Bishop, J.M., DePinho, R., Burns, M., Milshetyn, N., Kuriyama, H., Roberts, T., and Weiss, W.A. (1999) Dysregulated expression of v-erbB causes oligodendroglioma in transgenic mice. Society for Neuro-oncology, Fourth Annual Scienti c Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ. Abstract P-5. 5 Abbreviations used are as follows: bFGF, basic broblast growth factor; BrdU, bromodeoxyuridine; db-cAMP, dibutyryl-cyclic-AMP; GalC, galactocerbroside; GFAP, glial brillary acidic protein; MAP-2, microtubule-associated protein-2; MNU, N-methylnitrosourea; PBS, phosphate buffered saline; SWRB, Southwestern rat brain line; TRITC, tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate.
Neuro-Oncologydroglial markers glial brillary acidic protein or galactocerbroside, respectively. These cultures differentiated to bipolar-tripolar morphology with concomitant maturation to a GFAP+ or GalC+ phenotype upon exposure to secondary messengers such as d...