A nucleophilic retro-Claisen ring-opening
of donor–acceptor
cyclobutenes, formed with high stereocontrol by [3 + 1]-cycloaddition
of TIPS-protected enoldiazoacetates with α-acyl sulfur ylides,
has been developed. Removal of the TIPS group to form the isolable
β-keto ester precedes the strain-induced ring-opening. Various
amines, alcohols, thiols, and amino acid derivatives are effective
nucleophiles, and their products are formed in very high yields via
stoichiometric reactions. The chirality of the reactant donor–acceptor
cyclobutenes is fully retained in the ring-opening reactions. The
3-acylglutaric acid products are converted to various valuable structures,
including amido-diols, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) derivatives,
and heterocycles.