“…This view is fortified by the demonstration of the biosynthesis of cholesterol from mevalonic acid in Digitalispurpurea (Jacobsen & Frey, 1967). In accordance with this, the transformation of cholesterol into pregnenolone (I) (Caspi, Lewis, Piatak, Thimann & Winter, 1966) and the conversion of the latter into cardenolides (Tschesche & Lilienweiss, 1964;Tschesche & Brassat, 1966) and bufadienolides (Tschesche & Brassat, 1965) in plants has been demonstrated. Further studies on the metabolism of pregnenolone (I) in Digitali8 lanata have revealed that this homallylic alcohol is converted into progesterone (II) and that the formation of a 3-ketone is an obligatory step in the biosynthesis of cardenolides (Caspi & Lewis, 1967;Caspi & Hornby, 1968).…”