Ostrea edulis (L.) exposed to mercury in situ at Chemlnova In the western part of Nissum Bredning, Limfjord, Denmark, was compared to a non-exposed oyster sample from the uncontaminated eastern part of the area A similar comparison was made for oysters, exposed and non-exposed to Hg, in the laboratory. Comparisons were based on stepwise multiple regression analysis, and MANOVA, using these variables. shell length, volume between shell valves, tissue dry weight, length and width of shell muscle scar, and infection by the parasite B0nam.a ostreae (determined by ELISA). For the environmental as well as for the laboratory samples, no significant differences between exposed and non-exposed oysters were found. The content of the biomarker 6-aminolevulin~c acid (ALA) was detected by ion-exchange chromatography in all samples. ALA content (related to amount of soluble protein) was signdicantly elevated in mercury-exposed oysters, in both the field and the laboratory. Sirmlar differences were observed for environmental samples of cockles Cerastoderrna edule (L ) , mussels Mytilus edulis (L.) and periwinkles L~ttorina littorea (L.) from the Cherninova slte and from uncontaminated samples. Possible cause-effect of the mercury-related Increase of ALA In molluscs is discussed.