RAJORA, 0 . P. 1990. Marker allozyme genes and alleles for differentiation of Popul~ls deltoides, P. rtigra, P. rnnsirnowiczii, and their interspecific hybrids. Can. J. Bot. 68: 990-998. Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis of enzymes was used to compare the allelic constitution of individuals of Populus deltoides Marsh., P. nigra L., P. maximowiczii Henry, P. xcanadensis Moench, and F, progeny of controlled crosses. Forty allozyme loci coding for 12 enzyme systems in root tips were observed. Populus deltoides, P. nigra, and P. muximowiczii were genetically distinct from each other. Each of these species had unique alleles at many loci, and one or two of these species also had some species-specific genes. Populus deltoides, P. nigra, and P. rnuxirnowiczii could be distinguished by mutually exclusive or unique alleles at any of the four allozyme loci Aco-2, Lap-1, Lap-2, and Pgi-2. Additionally, allozymes of Pgm-I, 6-Pgd-2, 6-Pgd-4, and 6-Pgd-5 could be used as markers to distinguish P. deltoides from P. nigra and P. maximowiczii, allozymes of Mdh-2, Per-3, Pgm-2, and Pgm-3 to distinguish P. nigra from P. deltoides and P. maximowiczii, and allozymes of Got-I, Got-4, and Pgi-1 to distinguish P. maximowiczii from P. deltoides and P. nigra. The observed marker allozyme genes and alleles can be effectively used for discriminating among the three Populus species and their interspecific hybrids, and identification and verification of paternity of progeny of single-pair and interspecific pollenmix controlled crosses. Biochemical and molecular markers have significance in genetics, breeding, and systematics of these Populus species.Key words: Populus, allozymes, diagnostic genes and alleles, species and hybrid differentiation, enzyme electrophoresis. RAJORA, 0 . P. 1990. Marker allozyme genes and alleles for differentiation of Populus deltoides, P. nigrn, P. maxirnowiczii, and their interspecific hybrids. Can. J. Bot. 68 : 990-998. L'Clectrophorkse d'enzymes sur gel horizontal d'amidon a Ct C utilisCe pour comparer la constitution allClique d'individus de Populus deltoides Marsh., du P. nigra L., du P. maximowiczii Henry, du P. X cartadensis Moench et des individus F, issus de croisements dirigCs. Quarante locus d'allozymes codant pour 12 systkmes enzymatiques dans les apex racinaires ont Ct C observks. Populus deltoides, P. nigra et P. muxirnowiczii Ctaient gCnCtiquement distincts les uns des autres. Chacune de ces espkces avait des allkles particuliers et une ou deux de ces espkces avaient aussi quelques gknes spCcifiques. Populus deltoides, P. nigra et P. rnuxirnowiczii se distinguent par des allkles mutuellement exclusifs ou uniques i n'importe lequel des quatre locus d'allozymes Aco-2, Lap-1, Lap-2 et Pgi-2. En outre, les allozymes des Pgm-1, 6-Pgd-2, 6Pgd-4 et 6-Pgd-5 permettent de differencier P. deltoides de P. nigra et P. maximowiczii; les allozymes des Mdh-2, Per-3, Pgm-2 et Pgm-3 differencient P. nigra de P. deltoides et P. maximowiczii, et les allozymes Got-1, Got-4 et Pgi-1 skparent P. maximowiczii de P. del...