Recent renewed interest in using fossil data to understand how biotic interactions have shaped the evolution of life is challenging the widely held assumption that long-term climate changes are the primary drivers of biodiversity change. New approaches go beyond traditional richness and co-occurrence studies to explicitly model biotic interactions using data on fossil and modern biodiversity. Important developments in three primary areas of research include analysis of (i) macroevolutionary rates, (ii) the impacts of and recovery from extinction events, and (iii) how humans (Homo sapiens) affected interactions among non-human species. We present multiple lines of evidence for an important and measurable role of biotic interactions in shaping the evolution of communities and lineages on long timescales.
Biotic Interactions in the Fossil RecordBiotic interactions occur when organisms living in the same community directly or indirectly influence one another. Biotic interactions can occur within or among species, be positive or negative, and cover a wide range of interactions including predation, commensalism, mutualism, resource competition, and parasitism [1]. Biotic interactions play an important role in structuring modern communities (e.g., [2]). Understanding their importance in the past therefore has the potential to shed light on their role in shaping ancient and recent diversity patterns. Historically, however, the study of biotic interactions in the fossil record has largely focused on direct physical evidence of interactions such as bore holes in shells, plant damage by insects, patterns of bryozoan encrustation, rare occurrences of gut contents, and carnivore damage on bones (e.g., [3,4]). Analysis of unusually well-preserved fossil assemblages allows reconstruction of trophic relationships among diverse organisms (e.g., [5]) and earlier work documented long-term trends in ecospace (see Glossary) occupation [6]. However, temporally continuous evidence for biotic interactions (traditionally thought to structure biodiversity on only very limited spatiotemporal scales [7]) with appropriate temporal resolution (i.e., high-resolution stratigraphic sequences) is only rarely preserved. Consequently, paleontologists have focused primarily on the more accessible long-term trends in climate as important regulators of biodiversity and the differential success of species (e.g., [8]); only short-term ecological phenomena or long-term patterns that cannot be explained by climate have typically been attributed to the outcome of biotic interactions (e.g., [9], but see [6]). However, as the only source of sufficiently long-term data, and in light of several recent methodological advances, the fossil record is now uniquely positioned to answer many of the questions at the core of the evolutionary and ecological sciences. Herein, we address important recent advances in understanding the role of biotic interactions in shaping macroevolutionary and macroecological phenomena in the fossil record (Figure 1) and highlight areas o...