“…The ini tial mile stones, such as the first at tempt to de duce gla cial trop i cal SSTs us ing Mg/Ca (Hastings et al, 1998), the first cal i bra tions made on cul tured whole shells , or the first detailed sed i ment trap cal i bra tions (Anand et al, 2003;Martínez-Botí et al, 2011), was fol lowed by new ones fo cus ing mostly on its con fi dent use on tar geted key (morpho)spe cies (e.g., Globigerinoides ruber) on both short (mod ern or late Quater nary; Steinke et al, 2005;Thirumalai et al, 2014;Antonarakou et al, 2015) and lon ger time scales over the past 17 My (Wara et al, 2005; Me dina-Elizalde and Lea, 2005;Medina-Elizalde et al, 2008;Lear et al, 2015). Es pe cially for the mod ern ma te rial (core-tops, plank ton tows and sed i ment traps), in which the Mg/Ca sig nal is com pli cated by the com bined in fluence of en vi ron men tal pa ram e ters (e.g., sa lin ity, cal cite sat u ration state; Kisakürek et al, 2008;Hoogakker et al, 2009;Kontakiotis et al, 2011;van Raden et al, 2011;Hönisch et al, 2013;Hertzberg and Schmidt, 2013;Hertzberg et al, 2016) and/or bi o log i cal pro cesses (Hathorne et al, 2009;Wit et al, 2010;Bolton et al, 2011;Nehrke et al, 2013;Spero et al, 2015), prog ress has been rapid be cause of im prove ments in an a lyt i cal in stru men ta tion and meth ods (Haley and Klinkhammer, 2002;Benway et al, 2003;Klinkhammer et al, 2004;Rosenthal et al, 2004;Greaves et al, 2008;.…”