The toluene-degrading strain Rhodococcus opacus PWD4 was found to hydroxylate D-limonene exclusively in the 6-position, yielding enantiomerically pure (؉) trans-carveol and traces of (؉) carvone. This biotransformation was studied using cells cultivated in chemostat culture with toluene as a carbon and energy source. The maximal specific activity of (؉) trans-carveol formation was 14.
U (g of cells [dry weight])؊1 , and the final yield was 94 to 97%. Toluene was found to be a strong competitive inhibitor of the D-limonene conversion. Glucose-grown cells did not form any trans-carveol from D-limonene. These results suggest that one of the enzymes involved in toluene degradation is responsible for this allylic monohydroxylation. Another toluene degrader (Rhodococcus globerulus PWD8) had a lower specific activity but was found to oxidize most of the formed trans-carveol to (؉) carvone, allowing for the biocatalytic production of this flavor compound.D-Limonene is the main constituent of orange and lemon peel oil (92 to 96% [26]), which is a by-product of the fruit juice industry produced in quantities of approximately 50,000 tons per year (25). Due to its low price, which varied between $0.66 and $1.45 per kg in the first half of 2000 (22), D-limonene is an attractive starting compound for industrially relevant fine chemicals and flavor compounds with identical carbon skeletons, such as carveol, carvone, and perillyl alcohol (Fig. 1). The regiospecific introduction of carbonyl or hydroxy groups by chemical catalysis, however, is difficult because the electronic properties of the allylic methylene groups (carbons 3 and 6) and the allylic methyl groups (carbons 7 and 10) are rather similar. For this reason, enzymatic oxidation was considered as early as the 1960s (7, 8), and numerous D-limonene-transforming microbial and plant cells have been described since. To date, the enzymes with the best regiospecificity have been derived from plants. The P450 enzymes limonene-3-hydroxylase and limonene-6-hydroxylase (isolated from peppermint and spearmint microsomes) convert their natural substrate Llimonene and-at lower rates-D-limonene to isopiperitenol and carveol, respectively (6,17,19). Another example is the oxidation of D-limonene in the 6 position to cis-and transcarveol and carvone by Solanum aviculare and Dioscorea deltoidea (29). The specific activities of these plant enzymes, however, are insufficient for industrial applications. Microbial strains found so far to be capable of bioconversion of D-limonene generally yielded a mixture of oxidation products (reviewed in reference 23). Recent examples are the conversion of D-limonene to ␣-terpineol and 6-hydroxycarveol by the honey fungus Armillareira mellae (9); to isopiperitenone, limonene-1,2 trans-diol, cis-carveol, perillyl alcohol, isopiperitenol, and ␣-terpineol by Aspergillus cellulosae (24); to carveol, ␣-terpineol, perillyl alcohol, and perillyl aldehyde by Bacillus stearothermophilus BR388 (4); and the same conversions by an Escherichia coli construct contain...