Recently, we described three substances in bovine hypothalamus, adrenal, and rat brain recognized by antisera raised against morphine, and we identified one as morphine and another as codeine by GC/MS. We now report the identification of the third immunoreactive (ir) morphinan from bovine brain as 6-acetylmorphine by chemical conversion to morphine, GC/MS, and high-resolution mass measurement. 6-Acetylmorphine has not previously been described as a natural product in plants or animals, but it has long been known as the metabolite in part responsible for the biological properties of heroin. However, we have excluded slaughterhouse or laboratory contamination by any morphinan as well as derivation from the morphine in tissues during our procedures. 6-Acetylmorphine is known to be more potent than morphine in vivo chiefly by virtue of its greater penetration into the central nervous system. Should morphinans prove to have physiological functions in animals, the properties of 6-acetylmorphine make it ideal for fulfilling the role of a peripheral-to-central hormone.Early work suggesting the possibility of morphine biosynthesis in mammalian brain (1) stimulated investigation of mammalian tissues with RIAs for morphine (2) and led to the detection of immunoreactive (ir) substances (3-7). Recently, we described three ir morphinans from mammalian brain and adrenal and identified one as morphine and another as codeine by GC/MS (8); this was subsequently confirmed for rat central nervous system (9). The possibility that morphine and codeine are endogenous in mammals is suggested by our recent demonstration that mammalian liver (but not brain or adrenal) can synthesize the morphine ring structure (10), carrying out the same critical step as does the opium poppy (11,12). We now report the identification of the third ir morphinan, previously designated "peak 5" (8), as 6-acetylmorphine .
MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials. [methyl-3H]Morphine was from New EnglandNuclear; [ring-3H]morphine was from Amersham; synthetic 3-acetylmorphine and 6-acetylmorphine standards were a gift from A. Allen (U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration). Other reagents were from Baker or Sigma.Morphine RIAs. Anti-morphine antisera 937 and S17 were provided by Syva (Palo Alto, CA). A detailed description of preparation of antisera, assay conditions, analysis of RIA data, and the differing specificities of the two RIAs has appeared elsewhere (7).Analytical Purification and Controls. For the experiments illustrated in Fig. 1 Fig. 2, partially purified peak 5 (see Fig. 1; 45 pmol of ir morphine equivalents, antiserum 937) was incubated in water, NH40H (1 M; pH 11.8), NaOH (3.5 mM;,pH 11.8), or HCO (1 M) (final vol, 200 ,ul; 20 hr; 23°C). After incubation, nonacidic samples were acidified to pH 1-2 by addition of HCO, and each sample was analyzed by HPLC-C. The ir peaks were collected and lyophilized. Samples were dissolved in 5 mM trifluoroacetic acid (500 al) containing an internal standard of [ring-3H]morphine (4 x 104 cpm; 14 Ci/mmol); half of ea...