Sedimentary records of naturally occurring and fallout-derived radionuclides are widely used as tools for estimating both the ages of recent sediments and rates of sedimentation and bioturbation. Developing these records to the point of data interpretation requires careful sample collection, processing, analysis and data modeling. In this work, we document a number of potential pitfalls that can impact sediment core records and their interpretation. This paper is not intended as an exhaustive treatment of these potential problems. Rather, the emphasis is on potential problems that are not well documented in the literature, as follows: 1) The mere sampling of sediment cores at a resolution that is too coarse can result in an apparent diffusive mixing of the sedimentary record at rates comparable to diffusive bioturbation rates observed in many locations; 2) 210 Pb profiles in slowly accumulating sediments can easily be misinterpreted to be driven by sedimentation, when in fact bioturbation is the dominant control. Multiple isotopes of different half lives and/or origin may help to distinguish between these two possible interpretations; 3) Apparent mixing can occur due simply to numerical artifacts inherent in the finite difference approximations of the advection diffusion equation used to model sedimentation and bioturbation. Model users need to be aware of this potential problem.Solutions to each of these potential pitfalls are offered to ensure the best possible sediment age estimates and/or sedimentation and bioturbation rates can be obtained.
1.0 IntroductionThe radionuclides 210 Pb and 137 Cs are commonly measured in sediments as tools for dating recent sediments and to quantify both sedimentation and bioturbation rates. A flux of 210 Pb occurs to the surface of sediments as the result of the decay of 222 Rn, a member of the 238 U decay series. In shallow fresh and marine sediments, much of the 210 Pb results from decay of atmospheric 222 Rn, while in deep marine sediments, much of the 210 Pb (and 222 Rn) is derived from 226 Ra in the water column. 210 Pb is particle-reactive and quickly sorbs to settling particulate matter. As a consequence of its 22.3-year halflife, 210 Pb provides information about sediment ages, accumulation rates, and particle reworking over timescales of roughly 100-150 years (e.g. Robbins, 1978;Appleby, 2001). 137 Cs has been distributed globally by atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons.Significant fallout commenced in 1952 and peaked in 1963. This nuclide is also found in surficial sediments because it is also particle reactive. It is used as a chronometer in sediments either by assuming its peak in activity corresponds to the fallout peak in 1963 or its first detection corresponds to the onset of significant fallout in 1952. Where benthic organisms have been active, sedimentary 137 Cs distributions can also be used to constrain bioturbation rates and depths (e.g. Cochran, 1985).The radionuclide 228 Th (t 1/2 = 1.9 y) is a member of the 232 Th decay series and is d...