Numerous investigations have focused on DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation; however, photoionization threshold energies of nucleic acid components in aqueous solution are not known. Herein, data from gas-phase photoelectron experiments have been combined with results from selfconsistent field and post-self-consistent field molecular orbital calculations and with theoretical Gibbs free energies of hydration to describe aqueous ionization energies of 2-deoxythymidine 5-phosphate (5-dTMP ؊ ) and 2-deoxycytidine 5-phosphate (5-dCMP ؊ ). For the test molecules, indole and tryptophan, this approach yields aqueous ionization energies (4.46 and 4.58 eV, respectively) in agreement with experimental values (4.35 and 4.45 eV). When uridine and 2-deoxythymidine ionization energies are evaluated, the results agree with recent data from 193-nm laser measurements indicating that uridine ionization occurs via a one-photon event. For 5-dCMP ؊ and 5-dTMP ؊ , a comparison of aqueous ionization energies with gas-phase ionization potentials (IPs) indicates that hydration alters the relative energies of ionization events. In the gas phase, phosphate vertical IPs are ϳ1.3 eV smaller than base IPs. In aqueous solution, the base and phosphate ionization energies are more similar, and only differ by ϳ0.5 eV. For 5-dCMP ؊ and 5-dTMP ؊ , the increased favorableness of base ionization, which accompanies hydration, is consistent with experimental data indicating that, at 77 K in aqueous perchlorate glasses, the primary photoionization pathway involves base ionization followed by deprotonation.Nucleotide ionization plays an important role in mechanisms resulting in DNA damage caused by high-energy photons (1-4). However, there is little information about threshold energies required for DNA ionization in aqueous solution, except that they lie in the range of 4 to 7 eV (5, 6). In earlier work, vertical and adiabatic ionization potentials (IPs) were provided for gas-phase nucleotide components and model compounds (7-10). More recently, experimental data on nucleotide component model compounds has been combined with theoretical results to evaluate IPs for intact gas-phase nucleotides (11)(12)(13)(14). Herein, gasphase UV photoelectron data were used with results from molecular orbital calculations at the self-consistent field (SCF) and post-SCF levels to provide valence electron IPs of the gas-phase anionic nucleotides 2Ј-deoxycytidine 5Ј-phosphate (5Ј-dCMP Ϫ ) (12, 15), 2Ј-deoxythymidine 5Ј-phosphate (5Ј-dTMP Ϫ ) (15), 2Ј-deoxyguanosine 5Ј-phosphate (5Ј-dGMP Ϫ ) (11,13,15,16), and 2Ј-deoxyadenosine 5Ј-phosphate (5Ј-dAMP Ϫ ) (14, 15). In all cases, the lowest IP is associated with the negatively charged phosphate group. However, these earlier gas-phase results do not provide information about nucleotide ionization under physiological conditions.Water and counterion interactions are among the most important that DNA encounters in biological environments, and the effects of these interactions on nucleotide IPs were examined in gas-pha...