To describe the design of a longitudinal study of youth with elevated symptoms of mania (ESM) as well as the prevalence and correlates of manic symptoms. Bipolar disorder in youth is serious and is surrounded by controversy about its phenomenology, course and treatment. Yet, there are no longitudinal studies of youth selected only for ESM, the phenomenological hallmark. The study’s objective is to document the rate and sociodemographic correlates of ESM in children attending outpatient psychiatric clinics.
Parents of 3329 6–12 year old children visiting 10 outpatient clinics were asked to complete the Parent General Behavior Inventory-10 Item Mania Scale (PGBI-10M). Children with PGBI-10M scores ≥ 12 (ESM+) and a matched sample of screen negatives (ESM−) were invited to enroll in the longitudinal study.
Most (N=2622, 78.8%) participated. Nonparticipants were slightly younger (M=9.1 years, SD=2.0 versus 9.4 years, SD=2.0; t=4.42, df=3327, p<0.001). Nearly half (43%) were ESM+; these were more likely to be Latino (4.2% versus 2.5%, X2 =5.45, df=1, p=0.02), younger (M=9.3 years, SD=2.0 versus M=9.6 years, SD=1.9, t=3.8, df=2620, p<0.001) and insured by Medicaid (48.4% versus 35.4%, X2 =45.00, df=1, p<0.001). There were no sociodemographic differences between those who did versus did not agree to enroll in the longitudinal portion (ESM+ N=621, 55.2%; ESM− N=503, 44.8%). Four items best discriminated ESM+ from ESM−. These were not the most commonly endorsed but were indicative of behavioral extremes.
Data suggest ESM+ is not rare in 6 to 12 year olds. ESM+ children show behavioral extremes including rapid mood shifts compared to ESM− children.