A comprehensive picture of polaron and bipolaron physics is essential to understand the optical absorption spectrum in many materials with electron-phonon interactions. In particular, the finitetemperature properties are of interest since they play an important role in many experiments. Here, we combine the parallel two-site time-dependent variational principle algorithm (p2TDVP) with local basis optimization (LBO) and purification to calculate time-dependent current-current correlation functions. From this information, we extract the optical conductivity for the Holstein polaron and bipolaron with dispersive phonons at finite temperatures. For the polaron in the weak and intermediate electron-phonon coupling regimes, we analyze the influence of phonon dispersion relations on the spectra. For strong electron-phonon coupling, the known result of an asymmetric Gaussian is reproduced for a flat phonon band. For a finite phonon bandwidth, the center of the Gaussian is either shifted to larger or smaller frequencies, depending on the sign of the phonon hopping. We illustrate that this can be well understood by considering the Born-Oppenheimer surfaces. A similar behavior is seen for the bipolaron for strong coupling. For the bipolaron with weak and intermediate coupling strengths and a flat phonon band, we obtain two very different spectra. The latter also has a temperature-dependent resonance at a frequency below the phonon frequency.