“…As an easy application, we can characterize abelian varieties birationally by the conditions. Note that it is expected that a smooth projective variety, with zero Kodaira dimension and maximal Albanese dimension, is birational to an abelian variety, which is finally proved in [17] by much more technical arguments later. Moreover if κ(X) = 0 and either (a) the Albanese map a X : X → A X factors into a X = a X • σ : X X → A X where σ : X X is a birational map to a minimal model X of X with at most klt singularities, and K X ∼ Q 0, or (b) char k = p > 5, dim X = 3 and A X is simple, that is, A X contains no non-trivial abelian varieties [26,IV.…”