We present the first observations of near-surface critical phenomena of a phase transition in a molecular solid showing both an order-disorder and a strong displacive component. The surface xray scattering experiments were performed on an NH 4 Br single crystal (T c = 235 K). For the order parameter they show a crossover from a power law with the bulk critical exponent f3 -0.3 ± 0.05 to a surface behavior with exponent 0i = 0.8 ± 0.1. Prom the diffuse intensity we have determined the critical exponents 77u = 1.3 ± 0.15, v -0.5 ± 0.15 and the correlation length ^ = 4 db 0.5 A.PACS numbers: 61.50. Ks, 61.10.Lx, 64.70.Kb In the past few years there has been great interest in the critical behavior of phase transitions in the nearsurface region. The broken translational symmetry at the surface leads to a modified criticality [1,2]. There are three possible types of phase transitions induced by the surface: (i) the "ordinary" transition with the same transition temperatures in the bulk and at the surface, (ii) the "extraordinary" case where the ordering of the surface occurs at a higher temperature ("surface transition") than in the bulk, and (iii) the "special" transition representing a multicritical point separating the types mentioned above. For each of these transitions new surface-related critical exponents occur. However, the length scale of the critical fluctuations remains to be the bulk correlation length £. In the case of the ordinary transition there is only one additional exponent, while the other surface exponents can be expressed as combinations of the new one and the bulk values via scaling relations. In theoretical studies many detailed predictions have been made also introducing new methods for precision determinations of critical parameters [1,3]. For experimental investigations of critical phenomena at surfaces Dietrich and Wagner proposed x-ray and neutron diffraction [4]. A detailed review of both theoretical and experimental aspects concerning the surface scattering is given by Dosch [5].So far the experiments were concentrated on magnetic systems and order-disorder transitions in alloys. The first observations of the temperature behavior of the surface order parameter have been made on the magnetization of Ni surfaces by Celotta et al. [6] and Alvarado et al. [7]. Especially the latter yielded the predicted power law with the critical exponent j3\ = 0.825 ± 0.04. Surface x-ray scattering investigations on the order-disorder transitions in CU3AU and, more related to second order phase transitions, Fe3Al were carried out by Dosch and co-workers [8,9] and verified the theoretical predictions even better. In particular, all surface exponents could be determined independently and the scaling relations could be tested [9]. Furthermore, Toennies and Vollmer [10] performed a helium atom scattering study on a KMnF 3 surface. For this structural (distortive) phase transition their experiment yielded (3\ = 0.63 ± 0.03. This exponent is too small for an ordinary transition in the Heisenberg model but in r...