Purpose To evaluate whether it is a feasible option to target the oocyte (with Ca 2+ -ionophore) in case that sperm motility cannot be restored in Kartagener syndrome. Methods A case of a male Kartagener syndrome with exclusively immotile spermatozoa that did not react to the dimethylxanthine theophylline. Thus, half of the associated oocytes were treated for 15 min with the ready-to-use-ionophore CultActive immediately after ICSI whereas the other 50 % were injected with routine ICSI without artificial oocyte activation. Rates of fertilization, blastulation, pregnancy and live birth were evaluated. Results Fertilization check revealed that none of the conventionally injected but 4/6 (66.7 %) of the artificially activated oocytes showed two pronuclei. Three embryos were of good and one of fair quality. Corresponding blastocyst formation rate was 3 out of 4 (75 %). A double embryo transfer led to a healthy twin birth in the 34th week of gestation (two boys with a birth weight of 1724 g and 2199 g).
Conclusions This case indicates that Ca
2+-ionophore treatment in cycles from theophylline-resistant Kartagener syndrome patients is a feasible option. The future will show if routine application of A23187 in Kartagener or primary cilia dyskinesis patients will be of benefit.