Here we test the predictions of the theory of the origin of the universe from the landscape multiverse, against the 2015 Planck data, for the case of the Hilltop class of inflationary models, for p = 4 and p = 6. By considering the quantum entanglement correction of the multiverse, we can place just a lower limit on the local 'SUSY-breaking' scale, respectively b > 8.7 × 10 6 GeV at 95% c.l. and b > 1.3 × 10 8 GeV at 95% c.l. from Planck TT+lowP, so the case with multiverse correction is statistically indistinguishable from the case with an unmodified inflation. We find that the series of anomalies predicted by the quantum landscape multiverse for the allowed range of b, is consistent with Planck's tests of the anomalies. In addition, the friction between the two cosmological probes of the Hubble parameter and with the weak lensing experiments goes away for a particular subset, the p = 6 case of Hilltop models.PACS numbers:
I. INTRODUCTIONThe final Planck likelihood for the data analysis will be released soon. So far, the existence of an intriguing series of anomalies in the CMB has been strongly evidenced by the 2015 Planck collaboration data [1, 2] and recently confirmed by the new 2018 data [3,4]. The observed anomalies are consistent with the prediction made in 2005 [5-8], and more recently in [9][10][11], of the theory of the origin of the universe from the quantum landscape [12-17] multiverse. As we await the final Planck collaboration likelihood release, we complete our investigation of the status of the quantum landscape predictions against data, for a class of concave potential, the hilltop models [18,19].Hilltop models were investigating in detail in a series of papers in [18,19]. They belong to the class of concave shaped inflationary models, meaning the curvature of their potential V < 0. These types of potentials are favored by Planck collaboration data [1,4] since they produce a low tensor-to-scalar perturbations ratio r. Corrections to the gravitational potential in the universe, which in the theory of the quantum landscape multiverse, arise from our entanglement with all other structures in the multiverse and give rise to a series of anomalies in the CMB, were derived in [9][10][11] and analyzed for some concave inflationary models. In this paper, we derive and analyze these corrections against data in the context of Hilltop models.The paper is organized as follows: in the next Section we present the Hilltop model, and the corrections introduced by the entanglement in the quantum landscape multiverse to the slow-rolling inflaton field and to the inflaton potential, showing as anomalies in the CMB spectrum. In Section III we present the method we used for analyzing the model with the data. We provide the results and the likelihood plots in Section IV for p = 4 and Section V for p = 6. We conclude in Section VI. * Electronic address: