Introduction: The orofacial system is an anatomical-functional unit that enables
the human being to perform various functions essential for life. It consists of oral
structures, static and dynamic structures, and its harmonious functioning is based on
the balanced relationship between its parts. Method: A systematic review was carried out
to find out the relationship between feeding development and orofacial motor
disturbances. As a search strategy, equations were formulated with selected descriptors
MESH and DECS (“feeding, infancy”, “orofacial motricity”, “phonoaudiology”,
“pediatrics”), the databases consulted were Pubmed, Science Direct, Scopus, Redalyc,
Dialnet, Scielo, Proquest, World wide science, Biomed Central, Red Iberoamericana de
Innovación y Conocimiento Científico, Semantic Scholar, Revista Javeriana.