“…[31] Thee lectronegativity of Mg (1.31, Pauling scale [32] )isless than any of other divalent metals used to date (1.57, 1.65, and 1.80 for Be,Zn, and Sn, respectively), however, and the Mg À Cb ond is somewhat more polar than the other M À Cc ases.T he effect that this might have on the relative stability of h 3 -o ver h 1 -b onding was examined with aD FT computational investigation (B3PW91-D3BJ/ def2TZVP) of as elected set of [M II A' 2 ]a nd [KM II A'] 3 (M II = Be,M g, Zn, Sn) complexes (for details see the Supporting Information). In the optimized [MA' 2 ]complexes, Zn and Sn have h 1 -bound allyls,indicating apreference that is corroborated by the lack of any structurally authenticated h 3bound allyls on Zn, [33] though some have recently been identified for Sn. [34] Fort he more electropositive elements (Be,Mg), [M(h 3 -A') 2 ]geometries are lower in energy than the [M(h 1 -A') 2 ]counterparts;the preference for h 3 -over h 1 -inthe case of Be is small (4.4 kcal mol À1 ), but it doubles to 9.0 kcal mol À1 for Mg. [35] Calculations on the monomeric [KM II A' 3 ]c omplexes indicated that all of them were at least local minima on their respective potential energy surfaces.The reason that amonomeric [KMg(h 1 -A') 3 ]c omplex is not isolated may be largely ar esult of the preference of magnesium for h 3 -o ver h 1 -allyl bonding.F urthermore,t he polymeric structure of 1 provides for an h 3 -i nteraction of the allyls with K + ,w hich should provide greater stabilization than that from the h 2 cation-p interactions with the C=Cd ouble bonds in a[ KMg(h 1 -A') 3 ] complex.…”