We address a two-level system in an environment interacting with an electromagnetic field in the dipole approximation. The resonant optical bistability induced by local-field effects is studied by considering the relationship between the population difference and the excitation field. The diversity of various systems is included by accounting for system self-action via the surface part of Green's dyadic in the general form. The bistability condition and the exact solution of the steady-state optical Bloch equations at the absolute bistability threshold are derived analytically. Because of its underlying nature and possible applications in the field of all-optical processing, optical bistability (OB) has been a subject of intense experimental and theoretical research . In early studies the use of a saturable absorber to induce OB was suggested [3][4][5][6][7]. The phenomenon was demonstrated experimentally for a cell of sodium vapor enclosed in a Fabry Perot interferometer and excited by a cw dyelaser [8]. Later it was conjectured that local-field corrections alone could give rise to mirrorless OB [9]. This type of bistability was extensively studied [10][11][12][13][14] and observed experimentally [15].The practical interest in all-optical devices faded to some extent as their solid-state counterparts proved to perform better in terms of switching speed and device density. However, OB and optical hysteresis remain of considerable interest from the fundamental standpoint as a clear manifestation of a nonlinear light-matter interaction. Some new types of bistability mechanisms have been discussed recently [16][17][18][19]. Besides, the question of OB and hysteresis has received renewed attention in connection with novel hybrid zero-dimensional (0D) nanoscopic systems, e.g., artificial molecules comprising a semiconductor quantum dot (SQD) and metal nanoparticles (see and references therein).In this paper we address only mirrorless OB induced by local-field effects on a two-level system (TLS) interacting with an electromagnetic field in the dipole approximation. The local-field correction leads to a self-action of the system, which results in a nonlinear relation between the applied field and the one acting on the system. This type of OB mechanism can be relevant for a large variety of systems: dense 3D assemblies of two-level atoms [9,14], optically dense thin films of TLS [24,25] and films of linear molecular aggregates [26][27][28], hybrid metal-semiconductor systems [20][21][22][23], and a more general case of a TLS in an environment involving dielectric and conducting surfaces, such as a stratified medium, a microcavity, or a nanostructure.OB can occur within a range of internal system parameters and external-field intensities; identifying these ranges is therefore an important problem and its analytical solution is desirable. To the best of the author's knowledge, so far * on leave from A. F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia; a.malyshev@fis.ucm.es. it has been solved exactly ...