The coefficient sequences of multivariate rational functions appear in many areas of combinatorics. Their diagonal coefficient sequences enjoy nice arithmetic and asymptotic properties, and the field of analytic combinatorics in several variables (ACSV) makes it possible to compute asymptotic expansions. We consider these methods from the point of view of effectivity. In particular, given a rational function, ACSV requires one to determine a (generically) finite collection of points that are called critical and minimal. Criticality is an algebraic condition, meaning it is well treated by classical methods in computer algebra, while minimality is a semi-algebraic condition describing points on the boundary of the domain of convergence of a multivariate power series. We show how to obtain dominant asymptotics for the diagonal coefficient sequence of multivariate rational functions under some genericity assumptions using symbolic-numeric techniques. To our knowledge, this is the first completely automatic treatment and complexity analysis for the asymptotic enumeration of rational functions in an arbitrary number of variables.We also propose an algorithm finding minimal critical points in many cases, even when combinatoriality is not assumed, at the price of an increase in complexity. Our result in that case is the following, which is stated precisely in Theorem 57 below.Result 2. Let F (z) ∈ Z(z 1 , . . . , z n ) be a rational function with numerator and denominator of degrees at most d and coefficients of absolute value at most 2 h . Assuming that F satisfies certain verifiable assumptions stated in Section 3.3, then F admits a finite number of minimal critical points that can be determined iñ O hd 9n+5 2 3n bit operations. From there, the asymptotics of the diagonal coefficients follow with the same complexity as in Result 1.Aside from the existence of minimal critical points, we conjecture that the assumptions on F required to apply Theorem 57 in the non-combinatorial case hold generically. dimensional.We start with the extended system, the other one is similar. This system has n + 2 equations of degree at most d in n+2 variables. Example 36 shows that it is evaluated by a straight-line program of length O(L+n). We partition the variables into three blocks z, λ, t.The bound C n (d) is obtained as the sum of the non-zero coefficients of θ z , θ λ , θ t inleading to C n (d) = nd n+1 . The computation for the height is similar. With η 1 = h + log(n + 1)d, η 2 = · · · = η n+1 = h + d + log(n + 1)d + 1, η n+2 = h + 2 log(n + 1)dandit follows that H n (η, d) = O(Dn(d + n)(h + log(n + 1)d)) =Õ(dD(h + d)). The complexity then follows from injecting these quantities in the previous proposition. The bounds for the system formed by the critical point equations only are derived as above with simpler computationsleading to nD for the degree andÕ (D(h + d)) for the height.Example 44. These inequalities reflect a perceptible growth of the sizes with the number of variables in computations.Starting from the same system as in Ex...