Let S be a finite set of n points in the plane in general position. We prove that every inclusion-maximal family of subsets of S separable by convex pseudo-circles has the same cardinal n 0 + n 1 + n 2 + n 3. This number does not depend on the configuration of S and is the same as the number of subsets of S separable by true circles. Buzaglo, Holzman, and Pinchasi showed that it is an upper bound for the number of subsets separable by (non necessarily convex) pseudo-circles. Actually, we first count the number of elements in a maximal family of k-subsets of S separable by convex pseudo-circles, for a given k. We show that Lee's result on the number of k-subsets separable by true circles still holds for convex pseudo-circles. In particular, this means that the number of k-subsets of S separable by a maximal family of convex pseudo-circles is an invariant of S: It does not depend on the choice of the maximal family. To prove this result, we introduce a graph that generalizes the dual graph of the order-k Voronoi diagram, and whose vertices are the k-subsets of S separable by a maximal family of convex pseudo-circles. In order to count the number of vertices of this graph, we first show that it admits a planar realization which is a triangulation. It turns out (but is not detailed in the present paper) that these triangulations are the centroid triangulations Liu and Snoeyink conjectured to construct. Theorem 1.2. Let S be a set of n points in the plane in general position and k ∈ {1,. .. , n}. Every inclusion-maximal family of k-subsets of S separable by convex pseudo-circles admits 2kn − n − k 2 + 1 − k−1 i=1 a i (S) elements. To prove these results, we first characterize convex pseudo-circle separability in terms of convex hulls (Section 2). We show that a family F of subsets of S is separable by convex pseudo-circles if conv(T) ∩ S = T for all T ∈ F, and conv(T \ T ′) ∩ conv(T ′ \ T) = ∅ for all T, T ′ ∈ F. We also characterize in a similar way families of pairs (P, Q) of subsets of S determined by convex pseudo-circles passing through the points of Q, containing P , and excluding S \ (P ∪ Q). Such pairs are called convex pairs. We then introduce a graph that generalizes the dual of the order-k Voronoi diagram (Sections 3 and 4). The vertices of this graph are the elements of size k in a family of subsets of S separable by a maximal family C of convex pseudo-circles. The edges of the graph are the convex pairs of the form (P, {s, t}), with |P | = k − 1, determined by convex pseudo-circles compatible with C. The edge (P, {s, t}) connects the two vertices P ∪ {s} and P ∪ {t}. The key result of the article, Theorem 3.9, is that this graph admits a planar geometric realization which induces a triangulation. Proposition 3.4 already shows that the edges of this realization are disjoint. The main difficulty is to show that every edge is incident to a triangle, see Theorem 3.7. The long and tricky proof of this result can be found in Section 5. Two important contributions of our work are, firstly, the notion of convex p...