Lovelock theory of gravity provides a tractable model to investigate the effects of higher-curvature terms in the context of AdS/CFT. Yielding second order, ghost-free field equations, this theory represents a minimal setup in which higher-order gravitational couplings in asymptotically Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces, including black holes, can be solved analytically. This however has an obvious limitation as in dimensions lower than seven, the contribution from cubic or higher curvature terms is merely topological. Therefore, in order to go beyond quadratic order and study higher terms in AdS 5 analytically, one is compelled to look for other toy models. One such model is the so-called quasi-topological gravity, which, despite being a higher-derivative theory, provides a tractable setup with R 3 and R 4 terms. In this paper, we investigate AdS 5 black holes in quasi-topological gravity. We consider the theory conformally coupled to matter and in presence of Abelian gauge fields. We show that charged black holes in AdS 5 which, in addition, exhibit a backreaction of the matter fields on the geometry can be found explicitly in this theory. These solutions generalize the black hole solution of quasi-topological gravity and exist in a region of the parameter spaces consistent with the constraints coming from causality and other consistency conditions. They have finite conserved charges and exhibit non-trivial thermodynamical properties.