Inspired by the split attractor flow conjecture for multi-centered black hole solutions in N = 2 supergravity, we propose a formula expressing the BPS index Ω(γ, z) in terms of 'attractor indices' Ω * (γ i ). The latter count BPS states in their respective attractor chamber. This formula expresses the index as a sum over stable flow trees weighted by products of attractor indices. We show how to compute the contribution of each tree directly in terms of asymptotic data, without having to integrate the attractor flow explicitly. Furthermore, we derive new representations for the index which make it manifest that discontinuities associated to distinct trees cancel in the sum, leaving only the discontinuities consistent with wall-crossing. We apply these results in the context of quiver quantum mechanics, providing a new way of computing the Betti numbers of quiver moduli spaces, and compare them with the Coulomb branch formula, clarifying the relation between attractor and single-centered indices.corresponding wall is the locus where the phases of Z γ L (z) and Z γ R (z) align. Here Z γ (z) is the central charge, a complex-valued linear function of the charges whose phase determines the supersymmetry preserved by a BPS state of charge γ. On such a wall the mass |Z γ (z)| of a BPS state with charge γ in the positive cone spanned by γ L , γ R coincides with the total mass i |Z γ i (z)| of any set of BPS states with charges γ i in the same cone with i γ i = γ, allowing the formation of threshold bound states (see e.g.[1] and references therein).The jump of the BPS index Ω(γ, z) across the wall of marginal stability is governed by a universal wall-crossing formula, first formulated in the mathematics literature by Kontsevich-Soibelman [2] and Joyce-Song [3,4], and then established by physical reasoning in a series of papers [5,6,7,8]. There are also refined versions of the index Ω(γ, z) and wall-crossing formula, which keep track of the spin J and R-charge I of BPS states via fugacity parameters y, t conjugate to the projections J 3 and I 3 , respectively [9,10,11]. An important question for various applications, including the study of duality constraints on BPS indices, is to express the moduli-dependent BPS index Ω(γ, z) in terms of some physically motivated indices which depend only on the charges, and possibly on the chemical potentials y, t, but are independent of the moduli z. In this work, we investigate two different ways of answering to this question, which are both motivated by the physics of BPS black holes in N = 2 supergravity.As shown in [12,13], N = 2 supergravity admits a class of stationary supersymmetric solutions obtained by superimposing n BPS black holes with charges γ 1 , . . . , γ n , subject to moduli and charge-dependent conditions on the distances between the centers. In the vicinity of each center, the solution reduces to the usual spherically symmetric BPS black hole with charge γ i , in particular the moduli are attracted to a fixed value z γ i independently of their value at spatial infini...