We present a new cosmological model of the Universe based on the two discoveries: 1. cosmological constant is very small, and 2. Nature shows a new law in physics called "Multiple Point Principle" (MPP). The MPP predicts the two degenerate vacua of the Universe with VEV v 1 ≈ 246 Gev and v 2 ∼ 10 18 GeV, which provide masses of the Higgs boson and top-quark. A new cosmological model assumes the formation of two universal bubbles. The Universe at first stage of its existing is a bubble with a de-Sitter spacetime inside, having black-holes-hedgehogs as topological defects of the vacuum. Such a bubble has a "false vacuum" with VEV v 2 , which decays very quickly. Cooling Universe has a new phase transition, transforming the "false" vacuum to the "true" (Electroweak) vacuum. Hedgehogs confined, and the universal bubble is transformed into the bubble having spacetime with FLRW-metric and the vacuum with new topological defects of U (1) (el-mag) group: magnetic vortices and Sidharth's pointlike defects. The problem of stability/metastability of the EW-vacuum is investigated. Noncommutativity of the vacua spacetime manifold is discussed. The prediction of a new physics is given by the future observations at LHC of the triplet SU (2) Higgs bosons (at energies E ∼ 10 TeV), and/or of the new bound states 6t + 6 t formed by top-antitop quarks (at E ∼ 1 TeV). The problem "What comes beyond the Standard Model" is discussed at the end of this paper.
Contents:1. Dark Energy (DE) and Multiple Point Principle (MPP) a. Three vacua of the Standard Model (SM) b. Top-quark and Higgs boson mass prediction 2. TOE, Graviweak Unification and Bubbles of the Universe a. Big Bang b. Theory of Everything (TOE) c. Inflation of the Universe 3. Black-hole-hedgehog's solutions a. Hedgehogs as topological defects of the "false vacuum" 4. Non-commutativity of the vacuum's spacetime manifold a. Sidharth's prediction for DE 5. The phase transition from the "false vacuum" to the "true vacuum" 6. Stability of the EW-vacuum 7. The prediction of a New Physics 8. Vacuum stability II 9. What comes beyond the Standard Model