“…Mulattos were bolstered through preferential treatment from White people (Frazier, 1930; Reuter, 1917; Toplin, 1979). Because of their presumed White blood, White people generally perceived Mulattos as smarter, more attractive, more industrious, and less deviant than Blacks (Berlin, 1974; Bodenhorn, 2006; Frazier, 1930; Reuter, 1917; Schweninger, 1989, 1990; Toplin, 1979). In some cases, White people even perceived Mulattos as more closely allied with White people than their Black counterparts, as evident in a legislative report on a planned slave revolt in the early 1820s: Free mulattos are a barrier between our own color and that of the black and in cases of insurrection are more likely to enlist themselves under the banners of the whites .