“…They offer different volatilities and have a weaker correlation with other financial assets (stocks and bonds) when macroeconomic shocks tend to push returns on commodity assets and investors' portfolios in opposite directions (Silvennoinen & Thorp, ; Hammoudeh, Nguyen, Reboredo, & Wen, ; Andreasson, Bekiros, Nguyen, & Uddin, ). For this reason, portfolio investors interested in adding commodity futures with weak or negative correlations with equity assets should provide better diversification benefits than those possible in a portfolio without commodities (Bekiros, Boubaker, Nguyen, & Uddin, ; Sadorsky, ). Therefore, investors are interested in examining the dynamics of commodity prices with the aim of designing strategies for optimal asset allocation, portfolio optimization, downside risk reduction, and hedging (Andreasson et al, ; Belousova & Dorfleitner, ; Karyotis & Alijani, ; Skiadopoulos, ; Vivian & Wohar, ).…”