10The road accident of a tanker transporting liquefied natural gas (LNG) originated a fire and, finally, 11 the BLEVE of the tank. This accident has been analyzed, both from the point of view of the 12 emergency management and the explosion and fireball effects. The accidental sequence is 13 described: fire, LNG release, further safety valves release, flames impingement on vessel 14 unprotected wall, vessel failure mode, explosion and fireball. According to the effects and 15 consequences observed, the thermal radiation and overpressure are estimated; a mathematical 16 model is applied to calculate the probable mass contained in the vessel at the moment of the 17 explosion. The peak overpressure predicted from two models is compared with the values inferred 18 from the accident observed data. The emergency management is commented. 19 20 Keywords: LNG, Fireball, Road transportation, Blast, Thermal radiation. 21
Highlights 22• Road transportation of LNG is increasing, this implying a certain risk 23• The BLEVE of an LNG road tanker -a rather unusual accident-is analyzed 24• The effects of explosion and fireball are estimated from the observed consequences 25• The correct emergency management avoided further damage to people 26 27 1 1