Z e n t r a l i n s t i t u t f u r Astrophysik d e r Akademie der Wissenschaften d e r DDR
With g Figures (Received 1974 July 4)On plates of the large Schmidt-telescope of Karl-Schwarzschild-Observatory Tautenburg, taken by F. Wm-CBN, 139 radio sources of the 5C3 area were inspected for possible identifications with optical objects. The results are published in paper I and in the appendix of the present paper 11. A detailed analysis of these objects showed a relatively large number of about 65 real identifications up to the utmost plate limit B t w 21507, which corresponds to an identification rate of about 47%. The individual reliability of each possible optical identification is estimated (table 6). Apparently the identified objects (see tables 4 and 6) are galaxies, "blue" and "neutral" quasars, and one H 11-region of the Andromeda nebula. It is of great cosmological interest that no "red" quasars could be found.