B-rep model can provide effective topological data of the solid model for feature recognition analysis. The vertex, edge, and face are fundamental elements in the B-rep model. Each of these elements only records the topological data of its neighboring elements. The loop is another essential element linking all edges corresponding to a face. An outer loop always exists to record the external boundary of the face. Additional inner loops may also exist to record the inner boundaries because of holes. The loop concept can be employed in feature recognition for searching edges and faces related to the target feature. However, the current data structure of the loop in the B-rep model does not provide enough information for use in feature recognition. Therefore, a new type of loop, hereafter called a virtual loop, is necessary to fulfill the task. The aim of this study was to define and record the virtual loop in the B-rep model, and to develop algorithms in accordance with the virtual loop for the recognition of several types of features.The primary limitation of the current loop data in the B-rep model is that they are restricted to a face only. Whenever a face is sliced or divided into several faces, a new set of B-rep data must be established; all the newly generated faces are considered individual faces. In addition, the loop data are modified accordingly to reflect the new face status. Often in CAD models, a feature can be recognized in accordance with specific contours surrounding the target feature. For examples, features are generally classified as concave (e.g., features such as holes and pockets) or convex (e.g., features such as bosses, extrusions, and ribs). Finding a contour corresponding to the target feature may not be the only possible method for feature recognition, but it certainly facilitates the recognition of complex features. Many practical features do not lie on only a single face; rather, they usually lie on multiple faces, which is beyond the scope of the current loop data in the B-rep model.
AbstractLoops are critical elements in boundary representation (B-rep) models because they link all edges corresponding to a face. Loops can be used in feature recognition for identifying depressions or protrusions. In real 3D CAD models, however, features typically lie across multiple faces, which is beyond the data structure of current B-rep models. This study presents a virtual loop concept to account for all loop types used in CAD models, and develops algorithms for recognizing them. In accordance with the complexity of the recognition algorithm, this study defines three types of loop: single, virtual, and multivirtual. A single loop is the current loop recorded in the B-rep model. A virtual loop lies across faces that are at least G 1 continuous. Finally, a multivirtual loop lies across faces that are either G 0 or G 1 continuous. The proposed loop structure provides a more complete data structure for recognizing various types of features in feature-recognition modules. Several realistic CAD models ar...