median BT with increasing distance from the dermatology centre (Table 1). This was most significant for the longest distances. We found a positive correlation between increasing BT at excision and increasing age (correlation = 0.28; Table 2). However, no correlation was seen between age and distance (correlation = À0.042).Dermatology centres are confined to cities in Ireland. We identified that patients travelling longer distances for review to our centre were more likely to present with thicker melanomas, which is associated with poorer prognosis. 3,4 McCarthy et al showed previously that patients diagnosed at a rural dermatology outreach centre, in University Hospital Kerry (UHK), presented with more advanced melanomas compared with the national average. 4 They suspected that the long distance to travel to specialist dermatology centres was a barrier for these patients. Field et al compared BT in patients before and after a dedicated PLC service was started in another dermatology centre in South-West Ireland. 5 They found patients presenting to a dedicated PLC service had thinner melanomas.Our study showed longer travel distance to clinics was associated with thicker BT. This is large in agreement with previous studies elsewhere in Ireland. It highlights the lack of specialist services in rural Ireland. We found that a patient's age also predicted thicker MM independent of distance travelled. Providing outreach PLC services would theoretically allow for earlier presentation and improved prognosis. These data provide an evidence base on which further healthcare resources can be planned.