pyridine), P2VP, films display a surface pattern of
craters in a dried state after being immersed in aqueous solutions
containing HAuCl4 and its mixtures with low contents of
K2CO3. The morphologies of craters indicate
that the formation of craters involves three stages through film blistering
and drying: (i) the permeability of water and solutes to swell P2VP
films, (ii) partial wetting of liquid droplets near the substrate
interface in the presence of the P2VP film, and (iii) evaporation-driven
flows. The three stages produce the swelling pressure, Laplace pressure,
and interplays among capillary flows, Marangoni flows, and pinning
effects, respectively, by which craters of different dimensions and
morphologies are obtained. The first stage softens the P2VP films
and produces swelling pressure. This stage relies on interactions
between AuCl4
– ions, water, and protonated
P2VP chains. The second stage produces liquid droplets inside the
film and near the substrate interface. The surface tensions of those
liquid droplets at contact lines deform swollen P2VP films. Changing
film thicknesses or substrate types alters craters’ lateral
dimension and depth. The results indicate that film thicknesses and
substrate interface energies influence the shape and dimension of
liquid droplets on the substrate interface. The third stage determines
morphologies of craters through interplays among capillary flows,
Marangoni flows, and pinning/depinning events.