With the increase in the need for versatility in satellite communication, improvements in satellite launching technology and development of small satellites with higher capabilities, there is tremendous research activity in satellite communications using nongeostationary satellites. However, most of these satellites are meant for the polar regions and the application to general communication between widely scattered areas or the marine and airborne in which traditional communication system are difficult to use. This paper shows first the possibility of a low-orbital satellite system for an area such as Japan where population density is high and where a geostationary satellite or a terrestrial communication system may easily he employed, and the performance of such a system IS investigated.Next, we investigate the Doppler shift in the low orbit. It is shown that complete correction on the transmitting station is not possible, which is different from a long elliptical-orbit satellite. Moreover, phasrlocked loop (PLL) and block demodulation techniques art: considered for carrier recovery in the presence of Doppler shift. A comparative study of the Doppler shift on the spectral efficiencies of multiple access techniques is performed, and the superiority of CDMA over FDMA is shown. @ 1994 Scripta Technica, Lnc. a satellite becomes difficult. Moreover, the location of the satellite in the geostationary orbit is a limited resource, and with an increase in future satellite use, it is also becoming a problem.Not all the foregoing problems are embedded in satellite communication. Actually, they are due to the use of geostationary orbits. To solve these problems, various other satellite communication systems [ 1 -1 11 have been investigated where nongeostationary orbits have been used. The background for this research is, of course, the increase in and diversification of demand for satellite communication and the problems of geostationary orbit described in the foregoing. Improvements of satellite launching technology such as GAS and the space shuttle Pegasus [3,4] also help in the realization of such systems.Moreover, as a result of miniaturization and higher performance of electronic components, small-sized highperformance satellites can be launched easily and less expensively. Again, with an increase in satellite applications, the proportion of fabrication and launching costs of a satellite in total system costs is becoming smaller, which cannot be ignored.Nongeostationary communication satellites can be divided into the highly elliptical orbit type and the low earth-orbit type. Typical examples of the former are known as the MolniyaITundra orbits, which are used mainly to obtain a high elevation angle in high latitude regions [ 1, 21. These highly elliptical orbits have a long propagation path similar to that of a geostationary satellite. Thus they have a large propagation delay as in the case of geostationary satellites. Moreover, since the propagation loss also is large, the satellite and earth station should be large...