Several acutely acting antimigraine drugs, including sumatriptan and other second generation 5-HT1D receptor agonists, have the ability to constrict porcine carotid arteriovenous anastomoses as well as the human isolated coronary artery. These two experimental models seem to serve as indicators, respectively, for the therapeutic and coronary side-effect potential of the compounds. Using these two models, we have now investigated the effects ofoxalate, a close analogue of sumatriptan. GMC2021 (30, 100, 300 and 1000 ~g • kg-1, i.v.) decreased the total carotid blood flow by exclusively decreasing arteriovenous anastomotic blood flow; capillary blood flow to the skin and ears was moderately increased. The mean + S.E.M. dose of GMC2021 eliciting a 50% decrease (EDso) in the porcine carotid arteriovenous anastomotic blood flow was found to be 1.1 + 0.3 I~mol. kg -I and the highest dose (1000 I~g" kg -1) produced a 67_ 4% reduction. The carotid haemodynamic effects of GMC2021 were reduced by the selective 5-HT1D receptor antagonist, GR127935 (N- 3% of contractions to 100 mM K+), GMC2021 was less potent in constricting the human isolated coronary artery (pD2:5.45 + 0.2; Emax: 21.0 + 4.8% of contractions to 100 mM K+). The above results suggest that GMC2021 constricts carotid arteriovenous anastomoses partly by a 5-HT1D receptor and partly by another, probably novel, receptor and that GMC2021 should be able to abort migraine headaches in patients, with perhaps a less propensity for coronary side effects.[