Many have long aimed to create a safe electronic voting system that maintains the confidentiality and integrity of traditional voting methods while using the convenience and openness of modern technology. Ballot paper or electronic voting machines are the current voting schemes in every nation, and democratic voting is a significant event in every country. Problems with these procedures abound, including lack of openness, poor voter turnout, vote manipulation, mistrust of the election body, forgery of unique identification (voter ID card), delays in disseminating results, and, most importantly, security breaches. Prioritizing the security of digital voting is of utmost importance when contemplating implementing a digital voting system. The article assesses the objective of building a blockchain-based e-voting system [BC-E-VOT] that uses digital voting technology. Electronic voting methods that leverage the distributed ledger attract much attention because they can make digital voting more transparent, secure, and honest. As shown in this research, a successful strategy for electronic voting may be achieved by using Blockchain's cryptographic underpinnings and transparency. Due to its complete transparency, the suggested approach satisfies the essential criteria for electronic voting systems. Since Blockchain employs a decentralized mechanism for data storage rather than storing all of the data in one central place, it becomes challenging to tamper with the data when utilizing this technology to build a decentralized application. By creating a decentralized system using the WSN platform, a third party is no longer needed to oversee the election's access control. This article provides a system for electronic voting that guarantees privacy, trustworthiness, and security. The suggested approach is practical and secure, according to the findings.