Market segmentation is demographic, psychographic, behavioral and geographic segmentation Division Size and Growth, Sect Structural attractiveness, and Company objectives and resources utilization. Market segment evaluation is The market will need the number of customers, their income and the type of product you offer. Market segmentation are estimation by looking at the number of people in the segment. Multi-objective optimization on the basis of ratio analysis (MOORA) method is applied to solve some of the Market segment evaluation problems. The performance of the reference point approach and full multiplicative MOORA method are also tested for the considered problems. It is observed that all these three methods are very simple to understand, easy to implement and provide almost exact rankings to the Market segment alternatives. Degree of concentration, Laws and government agency regulations, Types of competitor, Contribution margins, Complexity, Growth rate per year and Evaluation parameters in Segment factors, Competition, Technological factors, Socio-political factors, Financial and economic factors.