Abstract.A closed Riemannian manifold M is said to have cross (compact rank one symmetric space) blocking if whenever p ¤ q are less than the diameter apart, all light rays from p can be shaded away from q with at most two point shades. Similarly, a closed Riemannian manifold is said to have sphere blocking if for each p 2 M all the light rays from p are shaded away from p by a single point shade. We prove that Riemannian manifolds with cross and sphere blocking are isometric to round spheres.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). Riemannian manifold, cross blocking, sphere blocking, blocking number.Keywords. 53C20, 53C22, 37D40.In this note we characterize constant curvature spheres in terms of light blocking properties.Definition (Light). Let X; Y be two nonempty subsets of a Riemannian manifold M , and let G M .X; Y / denote the set of unit speed parametrized geodesics W OE0; L ! M with initial point .0/ 2 X and terminal point .L / 2 Y . The light from X to Y is the setIntuitively, we are postulating that X emits light traveling along geodesics, that Y consists of receptors, and that X and Y are opaque while the remaining medium M n fX [ Y g is transparent. From this point of view, L M .X; Y / is the set of light rays from X to Y and a set Z blocks the light from X to Y if it completely shades X away from Y . This simple model ignores diffraction, the dual nature of light, and all aspects of quantum mechanics.A well-known result of Serre [Se51] asserts that for closed M and points x; y 2 M , the set G M .x; y/ of geodesic segments joining x and y is always infinite. In contrast, 260 B. Schmidt and J. Souto CMH L M .x; y/ is sometimes infinite and sometimes not. For instance, if x and y are different points on the standard round sphere S n with distance less than , then L S n .x; y/ consists of exactly two elements. In particular, we see that, under the same assumptions, it suffices to declare two additional points in S n to be opaque in order to block all the light rays from x to y. Definition (Blocking number). Let x; y 2 M be two (not necessarily distinct) points in M . The blocking number b M .x; y/ for L M .x; y/ is defined byThe study of blocking light (also known as security) seems to have originated in the study of polygonal billiard systems and translational surfaces (see e.g. If x, y are two distinct points in the standard round sphere S n closer than then, as remarked above, b S n .x; y/ Ä 2. This property does not characterize the round sphere amongst all closed Riemannian manifolds. In fact, every compact rank one symmetric space, or CROSS for short, has the following property:Cross blocking: For every pair of distinct points x; y 2 M with d M .x; y/ < diam.M /, we have b M .x; y/ Ä 2.Apart from cross blocking, the round sphere also has the following property:Sphere blocking: For every point x 2 M , we have b M .x; x/ D 1.The CROSSes are classified and consist of the round spheres S n , the projective spaces KP n where K denotes one of R, C, or H, and the Cayley projective plane, each one end...