We prove that for an odd prime p, a finite group G with no element of order 2 p has a p-block of defect zero if it has a non-Abelian Sylow p-subgroup or more than one conjugacy class of involutions. For p = 2, we prove similar results using elements of order 3 in place of involutions. We also illustrate (for an arbitrary prime p) that certain pairs (Q, y), with a p-regular element y and Q a maximal y-invariant p-subgroup, give rise to p-blocks of defect zero of N G (Q)/Q, and we give lower bounds for the number of such blocks which arise. This relates to the weight conjecture of J. L. Alperin.
IntroductionInvolutions have played a crucial role in finite group theory for many decades. They also figure prominently in representation theory, both ordinary and modular. Examples of the former include their occurrence in finite reflection groups, and an example of the latter is that in characteristic 2, J. Murray proved in [2006] that the projective summands of the (characteristic 2) permutation module (under conjugation action) on the solutions of x 2 = 1 in G are (in bijection with) the real 2-blocks of defect zero.Involutions also influence representation theory in odd characteristic. It was proved by Brauer and Fowler in [1955] that when p is an odd prime, G has a pblock of defect zero if there is an involution t ∈ G that neither inverts nor centralizes any nontrivial p-element of G. This result was extended by T. Wada [1977], who proved that if there are r mutually nonconjugate involutions of G that neither invert nor centralize any nontrivial p-element of G, then G has at least r distinct p-blocks of defect zero. We prove here that when p = 2, elements of order 3 can play a role analogous to that played when p is odd by involutions in the results above: We prove that the number of 2-blocks of defect zero of G is at least as great as the number of conjugacy classes of elements of order 3 that normalize no nontrivial 2-subgroup of G.We also point out here that results of this nature can be combined with local group-theoretic analysis to prove that if p is an odd prime and G is a group without MSC2010: 20C20.