The paper presents the results of a comprehensive assessment of central hemodynamic and microcirculation indices in the skin of upper and lower limbs in 6–7-year-old children. 14 girls and 7 boys were examined using laser Doppler flowmetry methods (the LASMA-PF device, allowing simultaneous recording by four sensors) and the analysis of heart rate variability ("Varicard"). The parameters characterizing microcirculation in the limbs were determined and the signs of the appearing functional asymmetry of the upper limbs, as well as the differences in the mechanisms of modulation of cutaneous blood flow in boys and girls were revealed. The estimation of heart rate variability reveals the signs of girls' inclination to sympathotony and boys' inclination to vagotony at the given age. It was marked that central regulation mechanisms have the greater contribution to cardiac rhythm formation in girls. The data obtained testify to the fact that age-related changes at different levels of the cardiovascular system and regulation mechanisms occur somewhat earlier in girls than in boys.