DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241640
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Blood-brain barrier permeability analysis of plant ceramides

Abstract: Ceramides, a type of sphingolipid, are cell membrane components and lipid mediators that modulate a variety of cell functions. In plants, ceramides are mostly present in a glucosylated glucosylceramide (GlcCer) form. We previously showed that oral administration of konjac-derived GlcCer to a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease reduced brain amyloid-β and amyloid plaques. Dietary plant GlcCer compounds are absorbed as ceramides, but it is unclear whether they can cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Herein, we e… Show more

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Cited by 13 publications
(11 citation statements)
References 38 publications
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“…After crossing the BBB, these ceramides partially metabolized into sphingomyelin and glucosylceramide. 24 On the basis that C 16 -ceramide is increased in the blood samples after injection in our results suggests that it might be carried by certain serum proteins and this complex is then able to facilitate its entry into brain tissues. Therefore, it can be inferred that the positive effect of C 16ceramide on the learning and memory might be mediated directly and/or indirectly actions since many biochemical pathways are known to be related to C 16 -ceramide metabolism.…”
Section: ■ Results and Discussionmentioning
confidence: 89%
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“…After crossing the BBB, these ceramides partially metabolized into sphingomyelin and glucosylceramide. 24 On the basis that C 16 -ceramide is increased in the blood samples after injection in our results suggests that it might be carried by certain serum proteins and this complex is then able to facilitate its entry into brain tissues. Therefore, it can be inferred that the positive effect of C 16ceramide on the learning and memory might be mediated directly and/or indirectly actions since many biochemical pathways are known to be related to C 16 -ceramide metabolism.…”
Section: ■ Results and Discussionmentioning
confidence: 89%
“…Recently, short-chain C 5 -ceramide and long-chain C 15 -ceramide from plants were shown to be able to cross the BBB in both mouse and BBB cell culture models. After crossing the BBB, these ceramides partially metabolized into sphingomyelin and glucosylceramide . On the basis that C 16 -ceramide is increased in the blood samples after injection in our results suggests that it might be carried by certain serum proteins and this complex is then able to facilitate its entry into brain tissues.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Finally, we investigated the BBB permeability of the compounds. We used an established BBB model kit that well mimics in vivo BBB features and has been used in previous studies to investigate the BBB’s permeability to plant-based molecules [ 32 , 33 , 34 ]. Treatment with STEE (50, 100, 200 µg/mL) via BBB-like structure did not significantly affect the TUBB3 levels of differentiating hNSCs compared to the control (without treatment) ( Figure S2 ).…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This leads to increased expression of neuronal markers and alleviation of pathology in APP Swe/Ind transgenic mice. Interestingly, these plant-derived sphingolipids have recently been shown to be able to cross the BBB [ 168 ].…”
Section: Ceramide Metabolism In Alzheimer’s Diseasementioning
confidence: 99%