Summary: Hypothalamic brain slices, varying in thick ness from 400fL to I,OOOfL, were assessed by studying 2-deoxyglucose (2DG) metabolism, lactate accumulation, inulin spaces, and morphology at the light and ultrastruc tural levels. Evidence of increased glycolytic flux due to anaerobic metabolism is found at thicknesses greater than 600fL in association with a progressive increase in the inulin-exclusion space. The metabolic profiles, as a function of depth into the slices, reveal that 700-fL slices function in a manner similar to 540-fL slices at the sur faces, but with a core of increased 2DG phosphorylation at the slice center. In contrast, the lOOO-fL slices show significant reductions of 2DG and increases in 2DG6P relStroke continues to be a major cause of mor bidity and mortality, affecting nearly 500,000 each year in the United States alone (Meyer et al. , 1987). Despite reductions in the stroke rate associated with improved treatment of hypertension and car diac disease, stroke remains common among the el derly, smokers, diabetics, those with familial pre dispositions to atherosclerosis, and in patients with systemic inflammatory or infectious diseases. Most strokes are due to focal ischemia associated with arterial occlusion, rather than global ischemia, such as occurs with cardiac arrest. In focal ischemia, blood flow is inadequate for a local region of brain, whereas surrounding tissue has adequate flow. Be tween the region of infarction and the surrounding healthy tissue is a borderline zone known as the "ischemic penumbra" (Astrup et al. , 1977). In this zone, the brain parenchyma is in a compromised state, but the injury is potentially reversible. En ergy requirements remain high and exceed the Received September 2, 1987; accepted January 25, 1988. Add ress correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. George C. Newman at Department of Neurol ogy, HSC TI2-020, SU NY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794, U.S.A.Abbreviations used: AHA, anterior hypothalamic area; 2DG, 2-d eoxyglucose; 2DG6G, 2-d eoxyglucose-6-phosphate; SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus.
586ative to the 540-fL slices at the slice surface as well as in the slice interior, suggesting impaired transport of 2DG into cells and spread of ischemic injury from the slice in terior to the slice surface. Despite these metabolic changes, only minor morphologic changes of ischemic in jury were found at the center of thicker slices, and in vitro glucose utilization of lOOO-fL slices remained con stant for up to 15 h. These three slice thicknesses should provide a useful model for studying the neurochemistry and neuropharmacology of the ischemic penumbra.