BackgroundEG-Mirotin, which includes an active ingredient; EGT022, targeting Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (NPDR), the early stage of retinopathy. EG-Mirotin is a drug that is used before capillary damage progresses to an irreversible stage. Safety and efficacy of EG-Mirotin were investigated in subjects with Type 1 or 2 diabetes and NPDR with the degree from moderate to severe.MethodsSubjects (n=10, 20 eyes) satisfying the selection criteria through the screening test were administered EG-Mirotin once a day (3 mg in 1.5 ml of sterile saline) for 5 days, 5 times in total, and were evaluated of the Ischemic index changes and safety. End-of-study (EOS) is performed approximately 8 weeks ± 1 (57 days ± 7) from the first dose.ResultsA total of 4 Treatment Emergent Adverse Events (TEAE) were observed in 2 subjects out of 10 (20.00%) who received the investigational drug. Among them, no subjects were reported experiencing a TEAE related to the investigational drug. All injections were well tolerated (3 mg in 1.5 ml of sterile saline) with no dose-limiting adverse events, deaths, serious adverse events. The overall average percent change in ischemic index at each evaluation point compared to baseline was statistically significant (Greenhouse-Geisser F=9.456, p=0.004 for the main effect of time), and a larger change was observed when the baseline ischemic index value was high (Greenhouse-Geisser F=10.946, p=0.002 for the time*group interaction).ConclusionsEG-Mirotin was well tolerated and found to reverse the ischemia and leakage of capillaries in the retina caused by diabetes.