of hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system explants to ATP and phenylephrine [PE; an ␣1-adrenergic receptor (␣1-AR) agonist] induces an extended elevation in vasopressin and oxytocin (VP/OT) release. New evidence is presented that this extended response is mediated by recruitment of desensitization-resistant ionotropic purinergic receptor subtypes (P2X-Rs): 1) Antagonists of the P2X2/3 and P2X7-Rs truncated the sustained VP/OT release induced by ATPϩPE but did not alter the transient response to ATP alone.2) The P2X2/3 and P2X7-R antagonists did not alter either ATP or ATPϩPE-induced increases in [Ca 2ϩ ]i. 3) P2X2/3 and P2X7-R agonists failed to elevate [Ca 2ϩ ]i, while ATP-␥-S, an agonist for P2X2-Rs increased [Ca 2ϩ ]i and induced a transient increase in VP/OT release. 4) A P2Y1-R antagonist did not prevent initiation of the synergistic, sustained stimulation of VP/OT release by ATPϩPE but did reduce its duration. Thus, the desensitization-resistant P2X2/3 and P2X7-R subtypes are required for the sustained, synergistic hormone response to ATPϩPE, while P2X2-Rs are responsible for the initial activation of Ca 2ϩ -influx by ATP and ATP stimulation of VP/OT release. Immunohistochemistry, coimmunoprecipitation, and Western blot analysis confirmed the presence of P2X2 and P2X3, P2X2/3, and P2X7-R protein, respectively in SON. These findings support the hypothesis that concurrent activation of P2X2-R and ␣1-AR induces calcium-driven recruitment of P2X2/3 and 7-Rs, allowing sustained activation of a homeostatic circuit. Recruitment of these receptors may provide sustained release of VP during dehydration and may be important for preventing hemorrhagic and septic shock. norepinephrine; oxytocin; hypothalamus; neurohypophyseal; supraoptic nucleus DECREASES IN BLOOD PRESSURE and blood volume are potent stimuli for vasopressin and oxytocin (VP/OT) release from the posterior pituitary (33). Information about decreases in blood pressure and/or volume is transmitted to the magnocellular VP and OT neurons in the paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic nuclei (SON) via the A1 catecholamine pathway, which utilizes ATP and norepinephrine as neurotransmitters (6). Postural changes induce acute elevations in plasma VP (21), while prolonged decreases in blood pressure and/or volume can elicit increases in plasma VP/OT that are sustained for hours to days (3,15,29). The absence of these sustained elevations in plasma VP leads to cardiovascular collapse in hemorrhagic and septic shock (24,27,30).Simultaneous exposure of explants of the hypothalamoneurohypophyseal system (HNS) to ATP and phenylephrine [(PE) to mimic noradrenergic activation of ␣1-receptors (␣1-AR)] results in conversion of the small, transient response elicited by either agent alone to a larger and sustained elevation in VP/OT release (20). This synergistic effect of ATP and PE may be responsible for the sustained increase in VP secretion that occurs during chronic hypotension and/or hypovolemia. Therefore, it is important to determine the mechanism(s) responsible fo...