“…60 Factors contributing to this difference include senescence of both humoral and cell-mediated immune systems; reduced physiologic reserve capacity; increased incidence of underlying illnesses; poor tolerance to invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures; greater risk and incidence of nosocomial infections; and higher rates of adverse reactions to drugs, including antibiotics. 4,28 Predictors of mortality in elderly in most studies include increasingage, 3,8,11,13,14,20,22,28,29,33,47,61 noncommunityacquisition, 11,14,28,61,62 poor functional status, 3,11,61,63,64 comorbidities, 14,22,29,33,47 respiratory, 13 35 Enterococcus spp. 14 S. pneumonia, 22 and Enterobacteriaceaeresistantto3rdgenerationcephalosporins 14 werealso associatedwithincreasedmortality.E.coliwasdemonstratedto beprotectiveinonestudy.…”