The effect of iron (Fe) on the sinking rate of a n oceanic diatom Actinocyclus sp. and an oceanic coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi, both isolated from the subarctic Pacific, was examined in natural oceanic seawater. The Fe status of the diatom had a dramatic effect on its sinking rate, causing a 5 times increase from 0.17 to 0.93 m d-' from Fe-replete to Fe-stressed conditions. In contrast, Fe had no effect on the sinking rate of the oceanic coccolithophore, whlch maintained its sinking rate at 0.12 m d-' The cell volume of the d~a t o m decreased slightly under Fe-stressed conditions, but the cell volume of the coccolithophore decreased substantially (4tiC%) under Fe-stressed conditions. The effect of nitrogen source (nitrate vs a m m o n~u m ) on the chlorophyll a (chl a), carbon ( C ) , and nitrogen ( N ) quotas of the oceanic dlatom Act~nocyclus sp. was also examined. Under Fe-stressed conditions when the energystress on the cells is the greatest, ammoni.urn-grown cells appeared to have a physiological advantage over nitrate-grown cells In this oceanic diatom. Ammonium-grown cells were able to maintain normal N and C quotas under Fe-stress, whereas nitrate-grown cells were not, resulting in an 80% reduction In N cell-' for nltrate grown cells under FP-stress. Also, In vlvo f1uo1-escence:chl a increased and chl a C decreased more drastically for nitrate-grown cells under Fc-stress than for ammonium-grown cells, indicating that nitrate-grown cells under Fe-stress are less capable of trapping and utilizing light energy. These findings support theoretical predictions based on Fe and energy requirements for nitrate versus ammonium utilization. Metal quotas (Fe, Mn, Zn) were measured simultaneously using cold-metal techniques to determine the metal content of the cells. There were no significant differences in metal to carbon ratios between nitrate and ammonium-grown cells under Fe-replete conditions. Under Festressed conditions, nitrate-grown cells had significantly higher Mn:C and significantly lower Zn:C ratios than ammonium-grown cells, but there was no observed difference in Fe quotas. In this study we observed that 2 different species of phytoplankton from the subarctic Pacific responded physiologically differently to s~milar Fe conditions. Our results suggest that the sol~tary, centric, 20 to 60 pm diameter oceanlc dlatorn would have a higher sinking rate than the oceanlc coccolithophore in the subarct~c Pacific, perhaps havlng implications for biogenic fluxes to depth. Moreover, our data indicate that thls diatom is probably utll~zing ammonium to mcet its nltrogen requlrements in situ under the low Fe conditlons found In the northeast subarctic Pacific. A c~~~~o c~c~u s s~.appears incapable of effectively chang111g its cell volume to help alleviate Fe-(and other nutnent) stress, whereas the coccolithophore can reduce ~t s cell volume substantially, allowing it to reduce its requlrements for N, C, and Fe. These physiological results help to explain phytoplankton c o m p o s~t~o n dynamics in the ...