Motivated by the study of non-abelian Chern Simons vortices of non-topological type in Gauge Field Theory, see e.g. [33,34], [26], we analyse the solvability of the following (normalised) Liouville-type system in presence of singular sources:with τ > 0 and N > 0. We identify necessary and sufficient conditions on the parameter τ and the "flux" pair: (β 1 , β 2 ), which ensure the radial solvability of (1) τ . Since for τ = 1 2 , problem (1) τ reduces to the (integrable) 2 X 2 Toda system, in particular we recover the existence result of [50] and [41], concerning this case. Our method relies on a blow-up analysis for solutions of (1) τ , which (even in the radial setting) takes new turns compared to the single equation case. We mention that our approach permits to handle also the non-symmetric case, where in each of the two equations in (1) τ , the parameter τ is replaced by two different parameters τ 1 > 0 and τ 2 > 0 respectively, and when also the second equation in (1) τ includes a Dirac measure supported at the origin.