In this paper, we study the parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel system with singular sensitivity and logistic-type source: u t = ∆u − χ∇·( u v ∇v)+ ru − µu k , 0 = ∆v − v + u under the non-flux boundary conditions in a smooth bounded convex domain Ω ⊂ R n , χ, r, µ > 0, k > 1 and n ≥ 2. It is shown that the system possesses a globally bounded classical solution if k > 3n−2 n , and r > χ 2 4 for 0 < χ ≤ 2, or r > χ − 1 for χ > 2. In addition, under the same condition for r, χ, the system admits a global generalized solution when k ∈ (2 − 1 n , 3n−2 n ], moreover this global generalized solution should be globally bounded provided r µ and the initial data u 0 suitably small.