“…Sample selection procedure CEE it is CEE coefficient of bank i at time t; VA it represents total VA produced by bank i at time t; CE it is CE (book value of net assets) of bank i at time t, CE it is CE measured as the book value of total assets minus total liability[7,82,152,207,218,219].The VAIC is calculated in the fifth stage to illustrate how much new value has been created per monetary unit invested in each resource.where VAIC it , the VA intellectual coefficient for the bank i at time t; CEE it , VA by CE coefficient for bank i at time t; HCE it , the HCE for bank i at time t; SCE it , SC VA for bank i at time t.On the sixth stage, relational capital efficiency is calculated to show how relational capital (a bank's ability to create relationships with customers, suppliers, and other external stakeholders) contributes to value creation[137,191,208,213].where RCE it is RC coefficient of bank i at time t; VA it represents total VA produced by bank i at time t; RC it is RC of bank i at time t, RC it is RC measured as the marketing and advertisement expenses[29,69,136,207,218,227].VAIC it = HCE it + SCE it + CEE it VAIC it ,the VA intellectual coefficient for the bank i at time t; CEE it , VA by CE coefficient for bank i at time t; HCE it , the HCE for bank i at time t; SCE it , VA by SC for bank i at time t. Being the Pulic model, the value-added intellectual capital coefficient (VAIC) is divided into three major components: SCE, HCE, and CEE…”